
Friday, November 12, 2010

Morning Visitor (I don't like to sleep alone, Mommy)

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  1. Dear Angela,

    When I had my nine children living with me still, I used to get up at five in the morning. Every single day at about six, I would go up to my bedroom, and I would see my husband, sleeping with nine children piled on top of him, also sleeping. This picture brings back fond memories!


  2. Dear Esperana,

    I have kept this image in my mind ever since you wrote it, weeks ago. I can just imagine how sweet that was to see each day. I love seeing my husband and my little guy asleep all cuddled up to each other. He usually only gets up once we're both up, but occasionally he creeps out of bed, slams the door and "leaves Daddy alone sleeping." Revenge, I guess!


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