
Thursday, October 6, 2011

The past two days have seen such balmy weather, that plans for lessons have morphed a bit into a whole lot of outside time. Yesterday morning, I found myself out on the trampoline with Puck, who wanted company. I promised him a little bouncing time.

We had enjoyed circle time together for once; with no one but Puck and I really joining in on the verses or songs, but they were all present and paying attention. Aragorn and Lily set to work on their math and French grammar lessons, and it was just the two little boys and I. After reading for awhile, something more physical was back on the agenda for all of us. 

So we bounced; we jostled around Arthur who was in a bad mood and reluctant to join us. I tossed him on and told him to enjoy the ride. After that; nothing. I lay back and stared up at the blue sky through the tree branches. The oaks in the back yard have not begun their color change, but the air smelled of autumn and the sun was so warm. I felt the extremely unfamiliar need to go nowhere and do nothing except what I was doing right at that moment.

I've heard the theory; sit still and they will come. They did, one by one, Lily first.

She soon joined us for "genie bounces" and proffered a challenge to see who could do the most without touching or pausing for more than one bounce in between. Hard! Arthur was in a better mood, Lily left, Aragorn jumped up. The stinker was certain that his feet were bigger than mine now. We tried to compare, but things being rather bouncy, and our socks being so different, it was hard to tell for sure. We switched right socks and compared again; he won. 

We took silly pictures and stayed outside forever. (and I promise that I will not compare and contrast this to what I overheard in the school office yesterday while dropping off Alienor. "Hey, this says we're eating lunch outside!" "Who decided that?, why?" "No kidding! I guess it's because it's so nice out." "How are we going to eat in the spot they have designated when it's where they play kick-ball?"  Because, of course, it's not the same thing to throw together a picnic and head to the park with five children as it is to organize an entire school eating out of doors. It wouldn't be fair.)

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