
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January and Birthdays

A busy month for such a normally cold, quiet one.  Starting on the 6th, la Fete des Rois, or Epiphany:

For my birthday; a day in heaven! Thierry stayed home and offered me breakfast in bed, time to read and knit while he took care of dishes and cooking. In the afternoon, we went to see "The Hobbit," in the theatre, then came home and watched "The Lord of the Rings." Birthday photos taken in the basement, where the screen well as many other useful things. The bowl? Homemade mousse au chocolat.

The December birthdays fell behind this year, as I was not posting much. Here is my new 18-year-old:

And her father, with whom she shares a birthday:

A present from her 10-year-old brother...something about poo, I'm afraid, but really containing Swedish fish:

Christmastime at church:

Cate singing in holiday church program:

Lunch afterwards with my parents:

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