
Thursday, August 20, 2015

It Really is All About Rhythm

Our lives have been turned upside down with just a few flicks of the hands of the clock. Two nights ago, I was saying goodbye in my heart to my oldest; off to college yesterday. I did not sleep a wink. She slept like a baby, thank goodness,
but Thierry was the same as me; up all night. My one loudly echoing lament was; "Did I do enough? Was I enough?" and the intensity of it was enough to make the ringing in my ears so loud that nothing could drown it out. The next day went beautifully, she was moved in without mishap or tears (lies!), and I know she will be happy and well.

Next week, my second daughter begins a new adventure; junior high. She'll be going to school for 8th grade for half the day, which means 1) I will be alone with the two youngest for half the day every day and 2) She will need to be picked up every day at the same time, unless there is early dismissal, she falls ill while at school, it is a test day with a funny schedule, there is a pep rally, or a bomb threat. I know the school drill by now. My second; son, 17, will be a senior, with no first block, but with driver's ed after school and a part-time job. There are also theater, dance, viola and other lessons...and I think we will add in a day of homeschool gym.

The new senior, Duncan:

I hate having a million places to go and get kids to. But I am trying to gracefully accept that with growth comes change and find ways to make it all go smoothly. The gym day at a local Y is something we tried and gave up years ago; the pool was too cold, one child wanted me to attend the class with them, but I also had a one-year-old and it took place during nap time. Now, however, the allure of kids to play with and two hours for me to workout is beyond tempting. Then again, I may not want to get everyone out of the house for one more activity each and compromises. 

Did I mention we also started Boy Scouts this summer?  (A perfect activity for my outdoor, adventure-loving child, and one more thing-to-do):

I am really looking forward to very peaceful days at home; work will be limited to one day a week or less, so our rhythm can be regular and predictable, something we all thrive on. Back to walk, recite, read, and the rest. Happy upcoming school season! And feel free to share your rhythm challenges and how you solved them, I always love to hear from you!

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